08 Election

Posted September 12th, 2008 by christian

I just can’t believe what I’m hearing and seeing.

The balance of power:  We have spent decades enabling the weak and rewarding non-performers; the current mortgage bail-out is a classic example of how our society is hell-bent on re-distributing money and power from the haves (who have earned it) to the have-nots, who will make poor decisions, squander, and promote evil, laziness and selfishness.  I’m afraid for our country that by enabling the ignorant and justifying wrong behaviors and actions, we will cease to be the great nation we once were.

I often wonder why the USA isn’t a more obvious player in the end-times prophesy.  If  Obama gets elected, we will over time most likely just become a non-entity in terms of influence in the world (just another socialist country) to the point where honorable mention in the Bible becomes unfounded.

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