Freedom out of fashion.

Posted November 30th, 2008 by christian

A few months back, I prayed that I would someday be able to walk in freedom, above and throughout all of life’s systems….  kind of like Neo, once he realized that he knew the code and was no longer bound by it.

Little did I know that freedom is not in fashion.  The freedom to homeschool means that you pay double and have people think “certain things” about your children.  The freedom from a religious spirit means that your church friends may think you fell off the wagon if you start a home church.  Freedom from being bound to a particular type of insurance means that you are “risking it” when it comes to your family’s health, when infact the real issue is trust in God for our health.

The fact is, we have been brainwashed to become mindless followers in so many areas.  Our government certainly expects us to behave certain ways with regard to taxes, political correctness, and as long as we stay between the lines, Big Bro won’t harass us.  In church, we let one guy do all the teaching, and as long as we understand the concept of the “covering of authority” or tithing to the “local church”, then we appear to have God first in our lives.  If our children don’t go to public school, we can then be examined by DSS, viewed as a cult, and our neighbors wonder what we teach our children. 

OK, I don’t mean to be all conspiracy-theory-ish, but seriously–have you thought about the stuff you really DON’T NEED in your life?

I enjoy being self employed because I figured out I don’t need a boss.  I started a corporation and have a good tax guy because I don’t need to pay more tax than the law demands.  We enjoy homeschooling our children, because my wife doesn’t need a job to prove her worth, and we don’t need others deciding what our children should be exposed to.

Do we really need to pay $600/month for insurance that we don’t use?  Do we need to go to church, when we can have a smaller group meet in our home with a higher level of relationship, accountability and support?  Do I really need to stay in the US, just because I was born here and fought for her freedom?

Seems to me that if rebellion is not the driving force, then doing the unexpected usually brings more and better life.   It’s been said (over and over) that if you do what others do, you will have what they have.  I’m not to impressed with the direction of the masses.  My thinking is taking a turn for the unexpected, and I expect more and more unfashionable actions will follow… and forge the path to Freedom.

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