
Posted April 23rd, 2009 by christian

Wow, what a difference between the last two posts!  It’s always a good idea to go back and read entries in the light of hindsight.

Jan – March were the toughest financial months I have had in years.  About the time I did the March 24 post, I “settled up” with my tithe, and then April has been a month of financial blessing and recovery, where just enough is replacing not enough.  The positive outlook seemed to help, and I have made my decisions about preparedness and have stopped worrying about it all.

This month, the message from the Lord was to stop striving, and allow him to provide (what? How do you do THAT?).  Got it from about 4 different angles, and am finally enjoying some easy and profitable days again.  Specifically, that my future is secure, and HE is faithful to carry it out in His time.  There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot I can do to hurry my success if it is to be done with integrety and while keeping my priorities on family and faith.  The great news is that a look back shows steady (actually rapid) growth in all areas of my life, and I am truly blessed beyond belief.

I was talking with my wife today about my ultimate dream.  (The ultimate catalyst/goal is to be a billionaire though AbouTechnology, but that’s just to fund my ultimate dream.) 

To be able to take 6-month to two years in other countries for ministry.  To run www.reclaimed.us and see it become

  • A place where beat-up Christians can show beat-up non-christians the transparent and vulnerable truth about the benefits of walking with God, and the challenges that go with the spiritual battle for all our souls.
  • A charitable system that financially brings hope to people who realize the error of their ways (what put them in debt) and are serious about staying married and getting out of debt.
  • An off-ramp from the destruction of our selfish secular society into a land where we can support and encourage one another… because it’s a worthwile pursuit.

That’s it.  To be a dad, husband and minister are the desires of my heart.  Getting my passive income to exceed my current active income is the only thing that keeps me from my dream.

It’s all good and getting better every day!

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