Do you get it yet?

Posted May 9th, 2009 by christian

AGAIN!  I had most of a week with almost no business.  Got stressed out, questioning, begging, whining.  Hearing God say “I will hold you.  Just relax.”  Started Friday on my kayak, just after sunrise, just being me.  Loved it.  As soon as I was done, the phone started ringing.  Got enough work Friday and Saturday to make up for the bad week. 

The tragedy:  not enjoying the time off.  Not being at ease and making memories with my family.  Complained to at least a dozen people about the slowness of my biz and the bad economy.  Not so much a light to the world.

I think I’m starting to get it.  How many more times do you think it will take?

Met a key player in business.  Praying that he’s for real and the answer to some of my AT challenges.

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