It’s been an interesting couple of months.
Pre-August found me getting more and more stressed…. and showing it. Vacation was GREAT, and now I feel much more sane.
On the spiritual front, I have received much in terms of prophetic words and a very serious warning.
It seems that I take on too much, and often take on others’ causes, ministries, business issues, etc. God has been telling me to simplify, and to use healthy boundaries not to own what I should not.
My immediate concerns are
- Love People: This means honoring the person, regardless of what I think about them or their actions. Trust God to work out His process and purpose in them, and simply encourage and celebrate the good in every person or ministry. I have become PAINFULLY aware of the negative things I say about others in my daily conversations. I honestly don’t know if it’s because I am more critical lately, or whether God is just convicting me of it, but I hope it’s only the latter.
- Dig In: My need to spend time in the word and hear from God is profound. A re-commitment to the disciplines may be in order. (Fasting, exercise, time in the Word, getting up early, making time to recreate). I want to be a Sprit-filled power-house, but I know that doesn’t come without some serious self-sacrifice and service to others.
- Shut Up: I’m a trouble-shooter by nature, so I see problems. I have no authority over most of the personal and ministry problems I see, so I need to shut up until I am both invited and appreciated to constructively and correctively criticize (is there a better word for pointing out problems).
- Ditch the Attidude: “If God can do ANYTHING, what is taking Him so long?” seems to be a prevailing thought lately. It seems the call is preceeding the means to carry it out. Is this God’s way of spurring us on to good works?
Maybe I’m spoiled. I want what I have not earned. I often cannot received what I have not earned, and need to learn to accept the grace that God seems to be offering.