It’s not all you have.

Posted March 8th, 2010 by christian

This morning, I was asking God to complete the healing of a couple I prayed for in church yesterday.

As I was praying, I was examining my motives, and asked God for a mantle of humility to be on me, and that he would give me the tools (annointing for and gifts of healing, prophesy, words of knowledge, interpretation) …. and then that word popped into my mind… LOVE.  I asked God to show me what was worth loving so much in each individual.

Immediately, images of my wife and children popped into my mind, and I began to think of how I love them, and why.  “They are special” just doesn’t cut it.  There is a precious being – the essence of who will live on past physical death.  That is what I love.

The next thing I believe I “heard” from God was:  “They (people) see their physical life as all they have, and they need to be shown that there is more.”

How depressing it must be (I can almost remember) to believe that this physical life is all we have.  We like to think we can manage it, create our own destiny, but we have very limited control:

  • Can we protect our own health from viruses and bacteria (something so small)?
  • Can we stop the drunk driver from driving into our vehicle when we are obeying all the rules of the road?
  • Can we keep our boss (if we have one) from firing us because there’s not enough money to pay everyone?
  • Can we make work or sales (if we are self-employed) come in at will?
  • Can we keep our minds in perfect peace?
  • Can we make our spouse love us or our children listen to us?

Fortunately, because God has given us choice, the answer to all these questions is “well, yes, sort-of, a little bit”.  But we have help

When you come to the realization that God created you for a purpose, and you trust Him for provision, protection, and the ability to overcome the obstacles in this physical world, it feels a whole lot better.  Our Father in Heaven is part of who we are.  He completes who we are.  He can chase away the boogie men and walk us through the dark, hand-in-hand.  We are not alone.

There are spiritual forces at work that bind our minds, keep us in poverty, sickness, disease, cause us to judge, to doubt, to mock, slander and even hate–they are the liars and thieves that rob us of our identity and our inheritance.  It is against these that I war, the reason I ask for the “big guns” of the faith, so that every precious soul out there that cares to listen can hear,  “That’s not all you have!”

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