OK, I’m now 41 and have been a Christian since I was 7. Why is it that I have just recently come to understand this?
“…thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give US this day… forgive US…..as WE… agains US…”
1. The Kindom has already come. We are not asking Jesus to come back in this prayer. The Kingdom came when the Spirit came after Jesus left. In the Kingdom, we have forgiveness, healing (including physical), we have access to wisdom, knowledge and gifts that are not available to non-believers. In the Kingdom, there is an abundance of GRACE, and it is only Christ’s to judge (see previous post).
2. When Jesus came up from the grave with the keys, that was the authority that Adam had given the devil with his free will. Jesus took that authority and gave it back to the “Sons of God” (us) so that we would use it to defeat the enemy as we live in and share the Kingdom.
3. Jesus didn’t preach the Gospel (he WAS the Gospel). He preached the KINGDOM. As believers, we should enable others to see and experience the Kingdom, so that they want the Gospel.
4. As believers (Kingdom dwellers), it is our mission to bring the Kingdom (Thy Kingdom come)! Why else would He tell us to ask for it? Am I seeking the Kingdom, trying to live it out? Does the work of the Holy Spirit intellectually offend me? Do I just assume that everything I don’t understand is not the working of the Spirit (God-forbid).
5. The US, OUR, and WE, does not mean ME!!! Pray for our Nation, pray for the unbelievers among us.