Others, and the desire for intimacy.

Posted April 22nd, 2010 by christian

I am currently reading a book that speaks of the scripture in Matthew 7:23 concerning “I never knew you, depart from me”.  It seems that there is no shortage of those who will teach on this verse, with the focus on those who don’t KNOW (in an intimate way) Jesus Christ, that will be turned away.

I have been hearing God tell me that it is not mine to judge others.  We love others, and we want to see all our loved ones and unbelievers get into the Kingdom, but it seems to me that this verse is there to encourage (implore) us to seek intimace with Christ, not to enable us to judge others.

The problem is this:  How do we share the gospel, and the kingdom without judging, condemning or offending others?  (Thinking out loud here…). 

Real life application.  My own bio-brother.  I met with him and tried to explain the ways God is taking me deeper, how I’ve obtained freedom in so many ways, and what truly SuperNatural things have been going on.  I want to walk this journey out with him.  The problem is, he felt judged, he used the term “your own little corner on the truth” and thinks I’m telling him that my way is the only way to get closer to God.  I cannot control how people respond to me, but I will not suppress the Spirit’s prompting to share the truths of the Kingdom as they are revealed to me.

Every person has a process that God is taking them through.  I submit to every person who reads this that it will go faster if you drop your palms and relase all intellectual offense.  You see, NONE of us know how the Spirit operates in full, and if we think we need to understand something before we can let God take us there, we’re not going to get very far.

I have come to believe (joined other believers in this belief) that our FAITH needs to contain much of what we cannot explain.  If we can explain everything we believe, we have KNOWLEDGE.  God is much bigger than what I know.

So as for me, I will continue to RUN toward Jesus, with my palms out (like a child going to daddy for a hug) instead of out in front.  I’m not interested in limiting God to my current understanding, and I know I can never get enough.

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