Family Lost

Posted May 26th, 2010 by christian

I have an uncle who teaches Eastern Philosophy.  He taught me how to meditate.

He tried to teach me that equality with God is something to be grasped.  But that’s not fair.  What he really meant was that when we are fully realized, we come into the knowledge that we are one with God, and even something bigger than God.

He showed me scriptures that predate my Holy Bible by thousands of years, and have much the same content.  He thinks he has me.  The scriptures turned my thinking inside out for a couple weeks until I hit the simple phrase of Jesus, “All who have come before me are liars and thieves.”  So I ask him, “Who was the last avatar?”  “Jesus Christ” he says.  “Really?!?”  In two thousand years, after so many before him, Christ is the last one?


There is no amount of reason that can convince me that his Philosophy is in harmony with my little Christianity.  His all-encompassing truth, cannot contain the simple truth, that Jesus is the only way to the Father, and the father is “I AM”.   To believe that I am equal or can be greater, more, higher, or inclusive of God, is the ultimate lie that caused Lucifer to be cast down.  Oh yeah, let’s look at that:

For God-knows-how-long before God got around to creating us, the Heavenly host (all of them) hung out with the WORD (That Word in John 1:1).

That means that the angels who rebelled and became demons knew just what Jesus looked like, smelled like, sounded like, and all the truth that was in him.  They had thousands of years BC to masquerade as avatars (deity embodied in man) and sew just enough truth into their stories to become gods themselves.  Until God said, “Enough”.  I will send myself, in the form of my Son, to set the record straight.

Now, my uncle’s tormented wife is manifesting demons.  I got the report that her face and voice changes and she is barely recognizable when that happens.  He doesn’t know what to do.  I do.  But I can’t.  He controls her with anger, intimidation, and now medication.  She is a prisoner in her own home.  She called me, saying that she can’t escape, she just wants to drink and prays that she’ll never wake up.  She says that she wants to come stay with us, but can’t get the courage to tell my uncle.

My cousin calls me to ask me to pray.   My wife and I stay up and clear out the guest room, ready to take in a family member in need, and love her back into self-worth and hope.  We prepare to spend a 15 hour day driving to get her in the hopes of introducing her to a very effective deliverance ministry.  Mr. Control takes her phone, so we can’t issue the invitation.  Other well-meaning people recommend a rescue mission, but I am unwilling to go behind my uncle’s back to take my aunt (who, by the way is no longer married to him) out of his home into mine.

Unfortunately, during the course of trying to work out the best plan of action, God steps in and reminds me of a prophesy and a vision that expressly direct me to NOT seek my uncle’s permission, to not even notify him.  This is SO AGAINST my brain (remember my brain?)  I saw my former sister in law “rescued” into self-destruction, when my brother was working hard to help her.  Same story, different day, now I’m supposed to be the one dishonoring my uncle.  Sorry, uncle.  I have to go with God.  Now I know why.

My self-controlled, reasoning, philosophical uncle rules his family with Anger, Fear, Threats, and Intimidation.  He tries it on me.  Due to his well-meaning daughter, we decide to make him aware of the help my aunt asked me for, and the plans to take her in for a while.  He goes ballistic, calls me and starts the conversation by telling me that I have absolutely no credibility with him.  Way to go.

My drugged up aunt, left a message tonight, telling me that I almost got her son disowned by his father, and to please not call her again (as if I had called her before.)  She is bound.

I was going to try to put this in a letter to my uncle, but I can’t manage it without sounding hostile.  I HATE the evil that rules his family.  I love him, my aunt, and my cousins, and pray that they are restored, healed, delivered and healthy in their bodies and relationships.  However, my uncle and I have the unfortunate issue of total devotion to opposing spiritual forces.   Technically, we are spiritual enemies, but I love him.

Lord, send holy, warrior angels to torment their oppressors.  Protect their lives.  May Man’s wisdom become foolishness, and your foolishness become wisdom.  Break the proud.  Break addictions.  Break co-dependence, fear and deception.  I rebuke those enemies of the cross and call upon the love of the Father to invade their space, their minds and their hearts.  Freedom.  Love.  Peace, in Jesus’ name.

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