New Information

Posted June 24th, 2010 by christian

I learned how to tie my shoes last week.

No Joke.

I have this pair of leather shoes with rawhide laces, and they’d always come untied unless I’d tie a double knot.

I’ve been proud of myself for my entire life for being able to tie my shoes so fast.  I have always done it the normal way.  In fact, I used to look at the people who made a loop on both sides and then tied them with a  a square knot as sort of dumb, or slow.  Probably because it takes so long to do it that way, and I clearly knew a better way.  I think that I once found out that the slow way took longer to untie as well, and had written it off as useless years ago.

So here I am at 41 years old, and for the last 9 months I’ve been tying my rawhide laces the normal way, and then doubling it, and frankly, it just looks goofy for an adult business man to walk around with clearly double-tied laces–this big old knot of rawhide on some fairly expensive shoes.

For some strange reason, I have hit the season of re-evaluating EVERYTHING in my life, and I am glad to admit that I just learned to tie my shoes the slow way, the way that looks and functions much better.  I no longer look like the goofy computer geek with one untied shoe or two double-tied shoes.

Truth is, there are different times to tie your shoes different ways.  If you only have one way, you’re missing out.

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