I’ve been taking more time to pray in the mornings, and since I have been gifted with a prayer language that I cannot understand, it makes it easier to pray for extended periods of time, but also a bit–well, frustrating that I often have no idea what I’m praying for. I lend my toungue to the Holy Spirit for His purposes in the Earth.
So I was about 50 minutes in the other day, and I asked God to allow me to understand what it was I was praying. Immediately, my prayer language changed (it was a much lighter sound with lots of Ls and As) and I got a picture in my mind of Angels being released from heaven, kind of like one of those huge flocks of birds that take off during migration. They were headed to go to war over some Middle East strongholds.
How did I know this? Immediately following that, I got a memory of when I was sitting in the desert 19 years ago. I was a Marine, on listening post out in front of my platoon which was an advance party going to prepare the next positon for 3 Mar Div HQ Batallion. The ground was hard, I was only half dug-in, meaning my fighting hole was only about 3 feet deep. We were a small force of about 30 men, and my commander had taken my rifle, and replaced it with a 9mm pistol and a radio. As LP, I was the furthest out front, and responsible for calling in anything unusual. As a radio man, I had to learn the codes and language of a radio operator.
Sometime in the middle of the night, I heard the sound of a lot of tanks approaching. I called it back to HQ, and they did some quick intel and called in Marine Air Force to obliterate somewhere around 300 Iraqi tanks that were headed to a town called (I can’t spell it) khafchi.
So I started to compare the events of that physical experience to where I am today. With my finances and business, I am definitely only half “dug in”. With my prayer language, I have learned some new code, with my faith experiences, many would call me “way out there”. I am listening. My mission is to stop the destruction of a rampaging yet under-equipped enemy, and I am an outside force willing to fight for foreigners who are oppressed.
I find it interesting that I am now, 19 year later, living out spiritually the physical events I have lived out as a young Marine.
Semper Fi.