Faith Building

Posted September 26th, 2011 by christian

I’m excited to report that every night and most days on this 10-day mission trip in Brazil, we are seeing miracles.  Not just a few.

The numbers are increasing every day, and for a “missionary” the goal is to be used by God for Kingdom work.  This is really hard for my left brain.

Letting go, not being in control, trusting that nothing is up to me except to obey in the moment–these things have temporarily taken the place of getting business, paying the bills, and checking off the to-do list.

I am happy to report that I was able to pray for several people today, one lame man who could not lift his right foot is now walking and marching, he got some of his speech back, and much movement in his right arm.  I believe he had suffered a pretty serious stroke, but I couldn’t be sure because we were short on translators, and then when I got one (after the healing in his leg and arm) that was when I found out that he couldn’t speak.  He was very happy, kept giving me two thumbs up and was speaking intelligibly to the translators when I was done, and yet I still wonder why not TOTAL healing?  (I’m just being honest.)  He was brought to me in a chair (OMG).  I prayed for him for about 15 min, and saw no results, exept for the slight unfolding of an atrophied hand.  Then I got mad in my spirit, and just decided that something was going to get done.  I put my hands under his armpits and picked him out of the chair, and told him to stand, by the power of Jesus.  He did.  I probably prayed for him for half an hour, and there was steady improvement up to a point.  Glory to God.

How many times do we (like that man did) give God glory for getting part of what we want?  I choose to.  This day, I thank God for letting me get as far as I have, with my family, my health, my wealth, my spiritual process, and my perspective.

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