From Jesus

Posted February 26th, 2012 by christian

My Beloved,

You are my child, because I am your God.

You are my sibling, because we are “joint heirs” and children of my Father.

You are my bride, because I died for you, washed you clean with my blood and continue to do so with my Word.

I don’t expect you to understand me in full… yet.  But I do want you to trust me and seek to know me fully, as I know you.

I don’t judge or condemn you.  I came to save, set free, heal, and start our eternal relationship.

I have defeated fear, disease, lying spirits, and I stand between you and the one who accuses and destroys.

The more you lean on me and accept who I created you to be, the more peace you will have.

I speak to your heart.  Your mind is offended, just as the world was offended when I came.  Your intellect provides an irrational fear of the voice of your heart because sometimes I do things that your mind cannot comprehend.

As you are with your children, I ask you to trust me even when you don’t understand, because I am concerned for your well-being, your health, and have a plan to prosper, and not to harm you.

Keep asking, keep seeking.  Not only will you find me, but we will have deep, solid, intimate relationshp.  It is why I made you!

I have always loved you.

– Jesus

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