God is sovereign. Ultimately.
He can do what He wants, to whomever He wants, whenever He wants, and He is ALWAYS RIGHT.
You know, the first three parts of that definition are all about power. He is GOD, of course He can.
The last part is a bit hard to swallow. Who gets to define right and wrong? God alone. The creator.
When a computer programmer writes a program, whatever commands carry out the intended purpose are identified as “Good Code”. Whatever commands cause the purpose of the program to quit or malfunction are identified as “Bugs” and are worked out until the program runs as intended.
So, if God is a programmer, Satan is a hacker. We are simply code, Neo…… Wake Up…..
Or are we like a bunch of little computers who have different programs running, but we are all spiritually connected by the Cosmic Internet known to the aware as the Spiritual world?
If your ram (mind or purpose) is wiped out by a power surge, we can deal with that, reboot. Start over. Get commands from the source again and move on. If your hard drive (knowledge and actions) crashes, we can replace that with right teaching and a new set of data, through instruction, training and discipline, that can be rebuilt. If your fans crap out and the whole darn machine overheats and stops (depression, emotional break down, financial ruin) that’s OK too. Your thermal shutdown (the fact that you did not die) assures us that when the fans (Circumstances) are replaced, the machine will run true again.
God is a loving sovereign King. He takes care of us. He knows us because He has built us for His purpose, and to do anything else is to live as a bug.
It is freeing to know our place in the natural order of things.
We are His treasured creation. We live by His rules and may not agree with them, but are bound by them nonetheless. Like a dog on a leash that would run out into traffic if freed, we think we know better than the Master.
It offends our pride to not be masters of our own fate. Fine. You can play that game. Be the dog who tries to run the house just to realize that after he’s kicked out the master, there’s no one to buy the dog food anymore.
On the other hand, we can be like a wife of noble character. One who is provided for, protected, held in high esteem, trusted and given authority to run the affairs of the domain, romanced and cherished, in relationship with the perfect spouse. We just need to come to grips with the fact that we don’t have the ultimate authority.
Wow. I’m all over the place. Just getting it out. I’ll organize it later!