Don’t despise the Toothpick.

Posted February 26th, 2016 by christian

Some convictions are fleeting, and some are tested by fire.  This one is tested and true.

Where does the title come from?  As ministers, we all have a “toolbox” from which we draw the spiritual weapon or “tool” that we need to get a job done.  Tools like encouragement, prayer, instruction, healing, deliverance, discipleship, helps, prophecy, empathy, etc….

I am a collector of truth.  If I find it, experience it and validate it, it goes in my toolbox.  It may be that there is a better tool for the job, but that never negates the power of the toothpick.  If you know me, you know that in my areas of ministry, there are times for confrontation, deliverance, healing, praying in the spirit, but there are also times for hugs, encouragement, and tools as simple as asking someone a question, so that the Lord can answer it for them.

I have witnessed over and over again, people in the midst of teaching great Biblical / Spiritual truth…  they just can’t seem to keep themselves from stepping on other ministers, other philosophies, other teachings.  We all like to see “signs that make us wonder”, and the outward miracles that show the supernatural manifestation of God.  But why do teachers (pastors, apostles and the like) need to constantly judge across the body and badmouth other folks’ methods of ministry?  Do they not realize that God is bigger than the method, the truth or the season that He has them in at that moment in time?

Thank you Lord for what I have learned about your spiritual gifts:

1 Corinthians 12

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues.[b] 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

I recently attended a ministry school that focused on our identity as Sons of God.  It’s one of my favorite teachings and methods of walking men into their purpose and ability.  It seems that our identity as SONS of God and as the NEW MAN is the key to operating in all of the gifts in their proper time.  No, this is not some power trip for people who want more than the singel spiritual gift they were given (not a biblical concept in my opinion.)  This is the key to walking as Christ walked.

This is the “bigger hammer” that trumps the need for many of the smaller tools, if it can be properly used.  See, if someone can fully realize their son-ship and all the power and freedom that comes with it, and believe all that is ours as stated in Ephesians 1, then they won’t NEED encouragement, inner healing or deliverance.  The problem is, that for some reason, the “working out of our salvation” takes time, and in that time, there is a need for the smaller tools.

So if you are operating in “the anointing” of your particular ministry, please remember not to criticize and judge others’ ministries.  If you do, you instantly lose credibility with your audience, who may know more then you do about using a different tool than the one you are selling.

The Big Hammer of Son-ship comes out every time it is needed.  But sometimes, the body needs the band-aid of consolation, the pliers of correction, the scalpel of deliverance, the duct tape of faithful encouragement, the screw-driver of teaching, or the toothpick of a well-placed question (or post) that will get folks to listen to the voice of God.

Brother, Sister:  Don’t empty your toolbox every time you are given a bigger tool.  And remember to support and encourage those who faithfully and skillfully wield the toothpick!


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