Archive for the ‘Freedom’ category


August 20th, 2016

Do you know someone who has experienced several trials, difficulties, sicknesses, etc., and they just can’t seem to “catch a break”? Some folks have a genuinely difficult life–the waves of difficulty just keep on coming in, and they never seem to enter into rest.  Chances are, they have learned to view the world through “crisis lenses”. […]


August 20th, 2016

In my jail ministry, I have two “rules”. Read a Proverb a day (that will keep you out of jail) Break agreements with the enemy*. In this post, I cover breaking agreements. When you recognize dysfunction in your life, pray for discernment. Ask yourself, “What spirit is at the root of my action, attitude or […]

What I learned from Virginia

November 23rd, 2013

Today was Church landscaping day… and I missed it. However, I decided to begin the removal of about a dozen large holly bushes that line my driveway.  It started to rain about the time I started, but I decided that working hard in the rain wouldn’t kill me.  The area under the bushes was infested […]

September 26th, 2011

Just a quick correction.  Since my last post, the IMF has  been the focal point of at least 3 articles a week in the World News section of BBC news,  CNN or Fox, which are the news posts I monitor.  It’s almost like they are trying to gain trust, through familiarity.  So they’re NOW in […]


May 1st, 2011

“The Church has not taught us properly, but much of what she has taught us is proper.” – Christian Definitions of PROPER (1-3 not applicable) 4: very good : excellent 5: chiefly British : utter, absolute 6: strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea <the city proper> 7: a : strictly accurate : […]


November 23rd, 2010

I’ve been taking more time to pray in the mornings, and since I have been gifted with a prayer language that I cannot understand, it makes it easier to pray for extended periods of time, but also a bit–well, frustrating that I often have no idea what I’m praying for.   I lend my toungue to the […]


November 23rd, 2010

I was praying this morning, confessing a familiar sin, considering how the guilt of repeated failure in a given area leaves me feeling anxious and -well, claustrophobic.   Really?  Are the two related?  I have on occasion dealt with a sudden onslaught of claustrophobia; the last time was when I saw the news online about the […]

New Information

June 24th, 2010

I learned how to tie my shoes last week. No Joke. I have this pair of leather shoes with rawhide laces, and they’d always come untied unless I’d tie a double knot. I’ve been proud of myself for my entire life for being able to tie my shoes so fast.  I have always done it […]

Family Lost

May 26th, 2010

I have an uncle who teaches Eastern Philosophy.  He taught me how to meditate. He tried to teach me that equality with God is something to be grasped.  But that’s not fair.  What he really meant was that when we are fully realized, we come into the knowledge that we are one with God, and […]

It’s not all you have.

March 8th, 2010

This morning, I was asking God to complete the healing of a couple I prayed for in church yesterday. As I was praying, I was examining my motives, and asked God for a mantle of humility to be on me, and that he would give me the tools (annointing for and gifts of healing, prophesy, […]