Stretch verb: stretch; 3rd person present: cause (someone) to make maximum use of their talents or abilities. “it’s too easy—it doesn’t stretch me” adapt or extend the scope of (something) in a way that exceeds a reasonable or acceptable limit. [I omitted the many definitions that don’t support the intent of this post] Yesterday, I […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category
Yesterday…. Look, I’m going to be honest. I was in a bad mood, my wife was walking on eggshells, I was hoping Bread on the Water would get rained out… On the drive there, I forced myself, out loud, in front of my wife and kids to apologize for my attitude, and break agreements with the […]
Let me save you the trouble: I had a brief QT this morning, only brief because I resolved to write this post to encourage others away from my propensity to view scripture with a critical eye. I read the account of Jesus healing Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46. I was curious as always about Jesus’ technique, […]
I found myself praying this morning: “Lord, go with me today, set my appointments. There is much that could be done, probably very little that should. Help me discern the difference.” In “Jesus Calling” today for April 30, there was once again the reminder to value the times when we lack a basic need, because […]
I very much enjoyed reading an article on God & Natural Law this morning. It comes at an interesting time. Just yesterday, I was explaining to a friend, and last night to another friend, that even after so many years of deep faith, “growing in the Lord”, and experiencing miracles (yes, super-natural events that break […]
Last week, as my family was trying to watch a sermon by Bill Johnson on YouTube, we kept watching that little “loading” circle appear every few minutes. For some reason, the fact that this was happening during my family’s “God time” moved me to action. It’s not like we hadn’t spent countless minutes–hours even–watching the […]
I am walking out a physical episode that I am sure has spiritual implications, so I am going to try to work them out here: I have my medical needs covered by the VA, since I am a veteran, and have an adequate disability rating to get me benefits. I have asked my primary doc […]
I am in a season of “out”. One of the questions that came up in my men’s group off a list of questions that accountability partners should ask each other, is “Do you feel that you are in the center of God’s will and sense His peace?” The answer, surprisingly is: “yes“. Surprising, because I […]
Let’s see if I can remember this, it was a couple weeks ago. Spirit-led men’s group in Jail is a whole lot different from showing up to “do a class”. I usually ask “who brought the goods” and give the guys a chance to share was God has spoken to them throughout the week. With […]
He Stinketh
I was reading out of the book of John today, as I am struggling to find the personable Jesus. Not just the guy who spake in riddles and made people mad by telling them things they could not accept. Today I found a man who gave every invitation, every demonstration for folks to see and […]